"But Jesus said, Let the children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Children are a blessing from God and we are passionate about creating an environment that is safe, age-appropriate and fun. The Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way allowing children to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Our purpose in ministering to the children at Calvary Chapel Nuevo is to support the parents in bringing their children to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, helping them to know His unconditional love for them. Our Children's Ministry includes a time of worship, prayer, and interactive lessons for elementary age children and an active nursery with a separate mother's room.
9:00 and 10:30 am Every Sunday Morning
Call (951) 928-8582 with questions or for more information
9:00 and 10:30 am Every Sunday Morning
Call (951) 928-8582 with questions or for more information

Children from new-born to 24 months
The Nursery is geared toward children from new-born to 24 months. During your child’s visit, they will be cared for both emotionally and physically by our nursery staff. Moms and Grandmas will change diapers, bottle feed, provide a snack, hold, rock and PRAY for your child throughout their stay.

Children ages 2-5
The Preschool is geared toward children ages 2-5. Preschool servants are committed to helping our little ones understand worshipping and talking to God anytime and any place. We'll lead your children in worship, through a meaningful bible lesson, and an activity or craft. We believe the foundational truths your children learn in Sunday School will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Children elementary age
Each weekend, your children are invited to participate in a safe, fun and purposeful time of worship and teaching to learn more about God. We are committed to helping your child grow in every aspect of their relationship with Jesus. Our children's servants have a passion for serving in children’s ministry and have a deep desire to see children know, love and serve Jesus.
Service Times
Please join us for a service. We believe you'll be blessed!
Sunday Morning : 8:30 & 10:30 am - in person and online
Worship, pray, and apply the Bible to your life. Come be encouraged, get to know us, and experience the presence of God! (Nursery, Children & Youth at 10:30 am service)
Sunday Morning Kids: 10:30 am
We have a great time planned for your children every Sunday, with Bible lessons, songs, and activities. Plus a nursery and a mother's room.
Wednesday Evenings: 7:00 pm
Get refreshed and revived with a mid-week worship opportunity. This is a small group where you can really get to know Pastor Dave and the people of the church.
ACTIVE Youth: Sunday 10:30 am & Wednesday 7:00 pm
Jr High and High School students have an awesome time every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Games, Food, Fellowship, Worship and Bible Teaching. You definitely want to be there! Also Sunday at 10:30am.