Palm Sunday we will be celebrating the powerful TRIUMPHANT ENTRY of Jesus! A time to praise, worship, and glorify Jesus! Come and learn about Jesus and how he can be YOUR King!
Join us Sunday April 13th at 8:30 or 10:30 AM
Children's ministry & Nursery care will be available for both service.
Join us Sunday April 13th at 8:30 or 10:30 AM
Children's ministry & Nursery care will be available for both service.

Good Friday will be an amazing time of acoustic lead worship while we prepare our hearts for Resurrection Sunday, by focusing on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross
Join us Friday April 18th at 7:00pm
Child Care will be provided for children 7 years and younger
Join us Friday April 18th at 7:00pm
Child Care will be provided for children 7 years and younger

Resurrection Sunday will be a time to celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ has RISEN from the grave, and that DEATH couldn't hold him!
We will have a sunrise service at 6 am followed by a second service at 9am. Child care will be available only for our 9am service!
We will have a sunrise service at 6 am followed by a second service at 9am. Child care will be available only for our 9am service!

Make sure to grab your Alone With God Journal at any of these events. The most beautiful thing about Easter week is that you can actually spend time with Jesus! Make sure to have someone walk you through on how to begin this amazing and life changing reality of spending time with God
For accurate directions type "Calvary Chapel Nuevo" into Google Maps, do not use MapQuest or Yahoo. Or
just click this link . . .
We need help to make Resurrection Day Weekend happen,
click below if you want to serve Jesus Christ on Resurrection Day.